Історія БібліїІсторія релігій

Interpretation of modern society according to the Bible

If we compare today’s society with the biblical one, we will see significant differences. Old Testament society prepared itself to meet the promised Messiah and Savior accordingly, adhering to all established norms. Unfortunately, we can state the fact of loss of morality and spirituality in the modern world, the replacement of completely unnecessary things. And in fact, man loses his spiritual and moral essence, the form he had from the beginning of the world.

The Bible as a living Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, describes the history of the society of that time, the difference of which is very noticeable from the modern one. At that time, traditional culture, customary law, oral writing, adhered to the spiritual and moral norms in society, and what do we see in our time? Oral writing and traditions are being replaced by modern nanotechnologies, which are becoming more and more demanding. Spiritual and moral norms are replaced by material consumption, things that are incomprehensible at first glance, where a kind of falsehood is traced, an illusion in which they believe without reliable beliefs, evidence, evidence.

Interpretation of modern society according to the Bible

In the human consciousness is formed a kind of picture of the decline of the human spirit, faith, indifference, change of moral priorities. The modern world is characterized by its selfishness, love of money, selfishness, material dependence, pessimism. But a person will not be able to go far in such prospects, because he makes a stop in earthly life and no real estate, he will no longer need wealth. After all, why are they in the transition from one state of affairs to another?

We cannot but agree with the words of the Divine Teacher, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, concerning man’s material selfishness in the world and his answer to the Holy Gospel. As banal as it may sound, but true: divine intervention in human life is needed when it is necessary: ​​to perform rituals, observance of customs that have nothing to do with the biblical Christian tradition, but are purely related to pagan beliefs. and superstition.

In this matter the right proselyte, the Christian theologian Apostle Paul, “What can Christ and Veliar have in common? Light and darkness? ” (1 Corinthians). Absolutely nothing, because the world lies in evil, and there is no truth in it, because the truth is in God. But the world did not know God for one simple reason — the loss of the commandment of love. And what could be more than Love? Man must think about this question, and with it the world community.

Bogdan Strykalyuk

priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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