Історія релігійПсихологія

The social problem of suicide

Before giving a reasonable answer as to who or what suicide is, let us first find out what its primary causes are and why this phenomenon is so common. In this context, we present suicide as an intentional infliction of one’s own life, causing one’s own death, in most cases committed out of despair, apathy, depression, schizophrenia, and so on. Most experts in the field of social psychology attribute suicide to mental disorders.

In many cases, people have suicidal latency or commit suicide because they see no other way out (although I am convinced that the way out and the number of alternatives available are more than enough to solve the situation). The lives of people who dream of suicide are usually filled with despair, sadness, and a lack of a meaningful life environment from which to form their own priorities, values, and purpose in life. Such people could be advised to be less antisocial, but on the contrary — to show an active social position: to make new acquaintances, friends, change the type of activity or do volunteer work.

The social problem of suicide

According to statistics, between 800,000 and 1 million people die each year from suicide, which is about 1/10 of the cause of all deaths worldwide. Come to think of it, the numbers are really impressive! I am more than convinced that a large number of people from this number did not think about the fact that such actions cause irreparable pain and harm to relatives and friends, that it hurts them to realize and state the fact itself. Experts estimate that between 10 and 20 million suicide attempts occur each year without fatal consequences. The suicide rate among men is 3-4 times higher than among women. Suicide attempts are most common among the younger generation and women due to the high psychological pressure of modern life, unstable emotional background and weak security.

The promotion of such a pattern of behavior can be seen in many cultures and subcultures. For example, Japanese samurai practiced sepuku ritual suicide. In India, there has long been a tradition of sati — self-immolation of a widow after the death of her husband. During World War II, Japanese suicide bombers became widespread.

And yet, despite the socio-cultural paradigms and family-historical roots of this phenomenon inherent in certain societies, more than convinced that suicide is an advanced behavioral ideology of weak individuals who have not shown the courage to make morally appropriate changes, and considering that are not worthy of life. A person usually thinks: «I will make life easier for others and will not disturb anyone.» However, is this really true? Is a senseless way out of life able to make life easier for relatives or close people? Will such an act be the subject of discussion and will this single act not erase all the good deeds she has created during her lifetime? What about the transcendence of our being in heaven or hell? They say there is probably no God. And if, after all, it turns out that He is, and with Him eternity?

Julia Klimarchuk — student of the University «Academy of Recreational Technologies and Law»

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