Історія релігійІсторія філософії

Human indifference

In our modern postmodern society there is an acute and topical problem of human indifference. The current generation of humanity and their descendants stop paying attention to human problems and other people’s pain, living their own lives without wanting to take on other people’s problems or responsibilities for others. It is safe to say that such a model of behavior generates evil and vices of modern problems. This existence did not arise by chance.

Human indifference is a terrible disease, it affects more than half of the world’s population. Constant concern, a huge number of problems together with distrust of the world around us — all this makes people indifferent to each other. It is important that not only behavioral principles and patterns of behavior produce indifference; today, it is a trend that knows no barriers, age, origin, gender identity, or even worldview or religious affiliation. In the current age of postmodernism, when the concepts of truth, goodness and beauty are subjective, indifference is a credo in the system of relationships and attitudes towards the environment.

Human indifference

And this phenomenon originates from the very beginnings of human life — childhood, when parents themselves produce such stereotypes, focusing only on their own person, who seeks only personal desires without noticing the other. Here we have the opportunity to observe the distance between «I» and «otherness«, which creates an existential abyss, which we can call indifference. In any situation, even the slightest manifestation of this behavior has much deeper consequences for others, which eventually turns into human cruelty and indifference. How to prevent this phenomenon? And what is the root of this problem can be identified? First of all, it is important to stop the action of this «virus» in yourself, because so many people need our support, help and attention! So, let’s not be indifferent and do good until others become indifferent to us.

Valentyna Khmaruk — a student of the University «Academy of Recreational Technologies and Law»

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