
The theological aspect of understanding the «new birth» or rebirth for spiritual life (Advent reflections on the eve of Christmas 2023)

Human consciousness has always appealed to manifestations of high religiosity, and this is the natural ability of man to the supernatural. This approach is shared by most scientific schools of religious studies. Because even if such religiosity does not contain a clear cult framework, it still manifests itself in a number of sacred signs, in particular, as the spiritualization of the object of worship, deep reverence, belief in the existence of the immaterial, unconscious, etc. In this sense, and the right Xenophantus, who showed the ability of bulls and horses to potentially create gods similar to themselves.

The theological aspect of understanding the "new birth" or rebirth for spiritual life (Advent reflections on the eve of Christmas 2023)
However, the Christian theological approach to the understanding of sacredness has a slightly different basis. In order to consider the approach of Christian theology to this issue, several things should be stated axiomatically: in the Gospel of John 3:1-12, the important event of the conversation of the secret disciple of Jesus Christ, Nicodemus, who came to him at night, is touched upon. New birth, spiritual rebirth, or rebirth became the main subject of their communication. The importance of this topic was emphasized by Jesus with the words: «He who is not born of water and the Spirit will not see the Kingdom of God.»

  1. What do you need to know about «being born again»?
    A) The term is used only in the Gospel of John and only in this passage.
    B) Other biblical texts also use the same concept, but in a different form. For example, «spiritual revival», revival» to Ephesians 2:1; 1 Peter 1:23; John 1:13; 1 John 3:9; 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18; to Titus 3:5; 2 Corinthians 5:17, etc.).
  2. Thoughts about being born again
    The variety of theological and homiletic approaches formulates the ambiguity of confessional approaches to the understanding of this concept. In his «Interpretation of the texts of the New Testament», Theophylact of Bulgaria equates the birth from above with the sacrament of baptism.
    A large variegated palette of the understanding of birth from above is presented by Protestantism. In baptism or Pentecost, being born again is considered a special event in a person’s life associated with repentance (Greek «metanoia» — a change of mind, behavior, etc.), according to which human life ceases to appeal to sinful desires and human life is dedicated to God. With certain exceptions, in some Pentecostal circles, being born again can be identified with the baptism of the Spirit with a pronounced sign of other tongues. Such an interpretation, probably as an exception, rather than a rule, acts as a private reflection of individual believers. Conditionally, it can be divided into two theological groups in terms of the question of birth from above:
    1) identify the «birth of the spirit» through the Sacrament of Baptism (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran;)
    2) being born again as repentance, an act of deep spiritual consecration through the rebirth of a person (as a rule, inherent in late Protestant faiths — Mennonites, Baptists, Pentecostals, charismatic and other full-evangelical groups, etc.)
  3. What does «spirit revival» mean?
    — The act of the fall brought the collapse of the close relationship with the Divine. But God, in turn, promised to restore relations through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as the only begotten Son and Lamb of God. This Sacrifice is the embodiment of God’s restoration of relationship to man (Ezekiel 36:26-27)
    — Based on two key understandings (the two theological traditions of Augustinianism and Arminianism), they answer the question of how the human spirit can be regenerated or how a person can connect with his Creator.
    A) The position of Aurelius Augustine can be formulated in the form of the following thesis: Man cannot and is not capable of restoring relations with God by himself, and no one but the Creator Himself can establish them (this point of view will become a cornerstone in the theological vision of M. Luther, F. Melanchthon and all representatives of the early Reformation). There are many texts from the Bible that Augustine relied on, usually Ephesians 2:4-10; 2 Thessalonians 2:14, etc.
    B) Arminius, who relied on the idea of free will, the spiritual ability of an individual to independently determine not only the principles of moral categories of good or evil, but also to independently choose to be with God or not (Erasmus of Rotterdam defined as the main argument in matters of human freedom)
    — without resorting to attempts to finally «reconcile» Augustine with Arminius, it is necessary to emphasize the most important aspect of a person’s spiritual rebirth: God gives him true and sound faith through listening to the Word, the result of which is the birth of the spirit from God (1 John 5:1; 1 Cor. 2:12).
  4. What is the result of the fact of a person’s spiritual rebirth?
    — a change in the way of thinking, life, thoughts, feelings from God as a result of God’s conversion (2 Cor. 5:17)
    — the emergence of a spiritual desire to do spiritual things, to do the will of the Most High.
    — does not mean absolute unquestionable sinlessness, but the purity of intentions and motives, a manifestation of immeasurable love, sacrifice, mercy, an informal approach in love for God and neighbor.
  5. How do I know if I am born again?
    — Jesus Christ, King, Lord and Savior aptly remarked: «by their fruits you shall know them» (Matthew 7:16-20). Only wonderful spiritual fruits are an indicator reflecting the truthfulness of faith and true spiritual birth as a fact.
    — sincerity in deeds and in the attitudes of the heart (Jacob 2:26)
    — as the true fact of being born again is known only to God (Luke 16:15; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Romans 8:16-27)
    — when ignoring God’s principles, decrees, deliberately rejecting God’s Word, the born spirit can die (Hebrews 2:3; Hebrews 10:29; Revelation 3:16)
  6. How to make sure that the personal spirit is regenerated for God?
    — timely realize the fallacy of many deeds and actions; repent and conduct a thorough introspection of one’s own ideas, thoughts, visions, and actions (Acts 17:30)
    — To believe in God and love his decrees and make efforts to observe them in practical life (Luke 10: 27)
    — God’s testimony of those who follow His principles (Psalm 1:3; Psalm 24:10; Romans 8:16).

Dr. Eugene Raspopov

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